Robert Dante

Profesjonell bullwhip-kunstner, pedagog, piske ekspert, livsstil S/Mer.

Fire Guinness verdensrekorder.

Forfatter av "Let's Get Cracking! The How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills."

Produsent / artist i erotikk / instruksjons DVD, "Bullwhip: Art of the Single Tail Whip."

Forfattet bullwhip-kapittelet i "Skru rosene, send meg tornene."

Vises på HBOs ekte sex, Playboy's Night Calls og mer.

Tidligere utgiver av Boudoir Noir, sakprosa BDSM livsstilsmagasin.

Grunnlegger av Houston People Exchanging Power (HPEP).

Grunnlegger av University of Houston Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).

Professional bullwhip artist, educator, whip expert, lifestyle S/Mer.

Four Guinness World Records.

Author of "Let's Get Cracking! The How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills."

Producer/performer in erotic/ instructional DVD, "Bullwhip: Art of the Single Tail Whip."

Authored the bullwhip chapter in "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns."

Featured on HBO's Real Sex, Playboy's Night Calls, and more.

Past publisher of Boudoir Noir, non-fiction BDSM lifestyle magazine.

Founder of Houston People Exchanging Power (HPEP).

Founder of University of Houston Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).


Let's Get Cracking! -- Whips 101

Bullwhip: The Epitome of S&M

Stacking the Odds in Your Favor

Dante Master Class

Let's Get Cracking!  - Pisker 101:

Det grunnleggende, få et godt grunnlag, grunnleggende smell, lære å mestre pisken, løse vanlige problemer.

Let's Get Cracking! -- Whips 101:

The Basics, Getting a Good Foundation, The Fundamental Cracks, Learning How to Master the Whip, Solving Common Problems.

Bullwhip: The Epitome of S&M: BDSM-applikasjoner av piskekompetanse; lage en bullwhip-scene, jobbe i trange rom, øke oddsen for en god scene, skape kretsen av energi mellom sadist og masochist / topp og bunn.

Bullwhip: The Epitome of S&M: BDSM applications of whip skills;

crafting a bullwhip scene, working in tight spaces, upping your odds for a good scene, creating the Circle of Energy between Sadist and masochist/Top and bottom.

Stacking the Odds in Your Favor:

Hvordan øke sannsynligheten for vellykkede og trygge bullwhip-scener uten å ofre intensitet eller nytelse, basert på Dante sine år i scenen som BDSM og i mainstream-verdenen som en profesjonell bullwhip-artist. Kjenne til risikoen slik at du kan ta smarte valg!

Stacking the Odds in Your Favor:

How to increase the likelihood of successful and safe bullwhip scenes without sacrificing intensity or enjoyability, based on Dante's years in the Scene as a BDSM and in the mainstream world as a professional bullwhip artist. Know the risks so you can make the smart choices!

Dante Master Class: One-on-one intensives, formatted to sharpen your learning curve! 

Dante Master Class: En-mot-en intensiver, formatert for å skjerpe læringskurven!